
We are SO glad you are coming to camp to help us this year.  Use this YCL page to find all the information you will need to get ready to be a YCL at camp! 

What is a YCL?  Young Women who are ages sixteen and seventeen serve as Youth Camp Leaders.  

Camp as a YCL is fun and rewarding.  It also requires some preparation!  Being a YCL will give you the opportunity to learn new skills and be prepared to serve in His church after you leave the Young Women program.  

Remember the following as you serve:

  • Positive attitude and a love for the girls you will lead at camp!

  • Positive attitude and love for the adult leaders you will serve with.

  • Remember that you will be a leader at camp. Think about what the girls in your group may need. Think about ways to help each Young Women feel loved and cared about.

  • It takes prayer and preparation to have the spirit felt in a way that will strengthen their testimonies. Prepare accordingly!

  • As a leader the girls will be watching your example. Follow camp rules. Follow the conduct that is outlined in For Strength of Youth Pamphlet.

  • Know that we love you and pray for your success at camp!

  • Work hard, and Have FUN!