Camp Haven Rules and Packing List


Camp Haven Camp is a mountain facility developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It provides a setting in the mountains, away from the world, where the Young Women program can be implemented. The purpose of camp is to help young women:

  • Draw nearer to the Savior

  • Be taught by the power of the Holy Ghost

  • Continue to stand as a witness of God

  • Gain experience and faith that will aid them in becoming mothers in Zion


  • Dress standards for safety and protection have been established as long pants (no shorts), full length shirts (to cover stomach area) with short or long sleeves.

  • No electronic devices are permitted for young women-this enhances the camp experience for young women.

  • Be good friends and neighbors. Be mindful of others sharing your camp area when using sound equipment. Remain in your assigned camp and common areas. Walk around, not through, other camps.

  • Young women and leaders are strongly encouraged to carry a bottle of water with them at all times and to drink as much water as possible.

Packing List