Parent Information Girl's Camp

Who Can attend

Young Women ages 12 - 18 and it will be their 1st - 6th year of camp.  Young Women who will turn 12 years old by December 31, 2022 can attend camp.  Young Women who will will be 5th or 6th year campers will be Youth Camp Leaders.  They will have additional leadership responsibilites at camp.


Please register as soon as you can.  See “Registration” tab for more details. Registration is due May 15, 2022. 

Cost of Camp

***Payment is on hold for the moment. Please just get registered for now and we will contact you for payment at a later date.****

Camp Rules

We love it when parents help reinforce the guidelines we have set.  Please review the following with your Young Woman before camp:

  • Dress standards for safety and protection have been established as long pants (no shorts), full length shirts (to cover stomach area) with short or long sleeves.

  • No electronic devices are permitted for young women-this enhances the camp experience for young women.

  • Be good friends and neighbors. Be mindful of others sharing your camp area when using sound equipment. Remain in your assigned camp and common areas. Walk around, not through, other camps.

  • Young women and leaders are strongly encouraged to carry a bottle of water with them at all times and to drink as much water as possible.